Introducing Perry the Platypus

Perry the Platypus games are mainly inspired by Perry, the cute pet of the Fletcher family, featured in Phineas and Ferb animated television series. He acts as a secret agent of Organization Without a Cool Acronym (O.W.C.A), which is an espionage and spy enterprise comprising of animals. Perry is also secretly known as Agent P. and usually leads a double life to ensure that his missions are completed successfully.

Jeff “Swampy” Marsh and Dan Povenmire created Perry and used him to grace a test episode known as “Rollercoaster,” together with the majority of the crew. The character above him is known as Major Monogram. The reason why Perry the Platypus was selected was his ability to produce a wall-eyed gaze, which made it look like he was simultaneously staring at both Ferb and Phineas. Initially, he was named Bartholomew but was later renamed to Perry. It is reported that he enjoys music.

Alternating between Perry and Agent P.

Perry the Platypus is a complex character. Although he is mostly seen with Phineas and Ferb, he takes his role as Agent P. seriously when delivering his duties as an agent. In some cases, especially when under the watch of his senior, Major Monogram, Perry can act silly, which depicts his funny and friendly side.

Additionally, Perry is rather intelligent to the extent of secretly pretending to act like a regular pet, while quietly performing his roles. This is proven by his ability to operate various types of vehicles.  There are also a few Perry the Platypus games which highlight some of his strengths.

When it comes to the looks, one might describe Perry as a tiny cubic platypus, with webbed feet, a yellow-colored beak, and a body full of teal fur. Moreover, he features twin strands of hair protruding from the head, and his eyes are bluish. He can walk on all fours, and his eyes have particular characteristics that may produce a “dumb” look. He usually keeps his head covered with a fedora that resembles the spy uniforms worn by agents. When not undercover, Perry often stands using his hind legs, while at the same time using the front paws as hands.

Concerning abilities, Perry can perform supernormal activities that are beyond human capabilities. One can easily notice that while playing few of the Perry the Platypus games. For instance, he is strong, fast, accurate, and full of stamina when acting as Agent P. Such traits make him indispensable and fit well in the agent role. The fact that he is a master in Platyjitsu cements this responsibility further. Nevertheless, his inability to see is one of his limiting capabilities.

Play the related Agent P. Games, featuring Perry

It is right to brand Perry as a superior leader, with lots of qualities. This is the reason why he also appears in various games. One example is Phineas and Ferb: Drusselstein Driving Test game, in which he assists Dr. Doofenshmirtz to pass a driving examination.

If you are a fan of more dynamic adventure games, then you should play Agent P: Rebel Spy game and infiltrate within the Death Star base station! Collect the Rebel symbols and Defeat Darthenshmirtz and his Normtroopers!

Another game full of action is Agent P Strikes Back Game. This time, our hero heard about several O.W.C.A. agents who have been captured by Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz. Your job is to assist Perry the Platypus in his secret mission of rescuing his fellows. Help him to win another battle against the evil forces!

Overall, Perry the Platypus is a loveable character. He lives true to his role and manages to keep his Agent P. identity hidden, which raises tension in all the scenes he appears. What makes him unique is the remarkable relationship he has with his family, nemesis, and seniors.

There are currently 18 free online Perry the Platypus games on our website. You can play the games on your computer or laptop, using any browser. Some of the games are also available for your tablets or Android and iOS phones.