Leo's Stealth Ops

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About Leo's Stealth Ops Game

  • Game Type
  • Requirements
    NuMuKi Browser
  • Supported Devices
  • Game Resolution
    750 x 500
  • Last Updated
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With Leo’s Stealth Ops game, you have the chance to become part of the Lab Rats team and play the role of a bionic spy! You might know by now that Leo first got involved in the world of science and sophisticated technology when he met his new step-father, Donald Davenport, and his team of bionic teenagers. For a long time, our favorite nerd felt left out because he hasn't got any superpowers of his own. 

Thankfully, Donald Davenport has thought of a solution for his new son. He has designed an exoskeleton suit, especially for Leo. Now Donald can finally join in on all of the Lab Rats' secret missions! What is more, the suit boasts many exciting features that he simply can't wait to try! However, it's only designed for training courses...or is it?

Become a true bionic spy!

The game consists of five different training rooms, each one more difficult than the previous. The aim is that you move past all the obstacles in a swift and stealthy manner. However, there's a catch! At the beginning of the introductory level, Douglas Davenport discovers a flaw in the design of his training rooms. Something has malfunctioned, the technology is out of control, and the training just became very real! Now, you need to escape the halls as fast as you can with the help of your trusted Lab Rats teammates. 

The gameplay is quite straightforward. Move your character through the room by pressing the left and right arrows on your keyboard. What is more, you can even climb on any surface by using the up and down arrows. The x key allows you to attack enemy robots and also trigger specific actions. Perhaps the most important command is the space bar, which will make Leo hide behind certain objects to deceive enemies.

The primary objective of each level is to surpass all the surveillance cameras and enemy robots successfully. What is more, you can collect the Bionic Auras to gain extra points and increase your health. You can check on how many extras you have obtained by glancing at the top right corner of the screen. Check out the top left corner to make sure you have enough health left. 

The real secret is teamwork!

Since the training rooms have malfunctioned, Leo is going to need the help of his friends from the Lab Rats team! Adam, Bree, and Chase will join you in the test room and make sure you make it to the final checkpoint safely. You can even use their special bionic abilities to get past the different obstacles along the course. 

Press the C key on your keyboard to unlock the bionic teen's unique ability. Adam can help you knock out the malfunctioning surveillance cameras using his laser blast. Bree will help you pass unnoticed with her super speed power. While she is so fast that she can't be caught on tape, Chase will help you surpass barriers with his kinetic blast. Pretty cool, right?

The key to any successful adventure in the Lab Rats series is a synchronized collaboration between all the members of the team. This time, it's Leo's moment to shine in the brand new suit Davenport designed for him. However, when things go wrong, he can certainly rely on his friends for support. Join these courageous teenagers for a thrilling adventure, complete with spies, lasers and robots! Do you think you are up for this challenging and exciting mission?

If you enjoy playing Leo's Stealth Ops, you might be excited to find out that there are 8 more Lab Rats games you can try! The most popular is Heroes of XD, and the most recently added is Reflex Dash