Kick Buttowski Games
Try the Kick Buttowski Games and meet a suburban daredevil who performs breathtaking stunts in Mellowbrook! Enjoy the adrenaline rush and have a blast!
Try the Kick Buttowski Games and meet a suburban daredevil who performs breathtaking stunts in Mellowbrook! Enjoy the adrenaline rush and have a blast!
It's time for you to get your daily dose of adrenaline with the thrilling Kick Buttowski games! Now you can experience the most exciting extreme sports while you follow the story of a young boy with unique ambitions, living in a small town that doesn't suit his aspirations...How exciting, right? Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil is an American animated television series created and executive produced by animator Sandro Corsaro, about a young boy named Clarence Francis "Kick" Buttowski. The show premiered in February 2010 and is mostly based on the author's childhood spent un Stoneham, Massachusetts.
Located on the east coast of the USA, Mellowbrook seems like a quiet city at first glance. However, you'll never guess what lurks around in the suburbs! The kids are going wild, building ramps, devising original vehicles and trying out new tricks. Their leader is the brave adrenaline-addict, Kick Buttowski. The ten-year-old aspires to become the world's greatest daredevil, but he inevitably will encounter many challenges along the way. His talent and ambitions are huge, but so are his problems!
The main focus of the show is that friendship has an essential role in the life of young teenagers. It's an important support system and helps young people develop and grow. Let's not forget about having fun, as well! Therefore, it's only natural that the main feature of the show is a pair of good friends involved in extreme adventures. Hop in on the fun and join them on adventures as you've never seen before by trying the Kick Buttowski games!
Kick Buttowski is a notable resident of Mellowbrook and the main character of the show. This young boy is extremely remarkable, but not always in the best ways. He is known to be hard-headed, stubborn and self-tempered. However, this comes in handy when he fights for his dream of becoming the biggest daredevil the world has ever seen! You can recognize him easily around town, because of his flashy white and red bodysuit! What is more, this young boy can endure a lot of pain, which is an essential quality for someone prone to fall from high places.
However, Kick isn't a pro in every field! His grades aren't the greatest, despite his excellent memory...Maybe he just doesn't like to focus on anything other than stunts! Get to know him better and join him for thrilling races in a unique setting! One such example is the Buttowski Boot Camp game, where you can see how Kick would hold up as a cadet on military training courses.
Gunther Magnuson isn't the best looking or the fittest boy in Mellowbrook, but for Kick Buttowski he is entirely indispensable! The twelve-year-old might not seem like much at first sight, but he has a vital role. Gunther is a stunt coordinator, and the only person Kick can entirely rely on. He is quite anxious and emotional at times and doesn't have the same skills as Kick, but his help is instrumental. You can see this for yourself in the Loco Launcho game, where Gunther gives you the vital information you need to complete the challenge.
We all can agree that competition without some serious contestants is quite dull. So is a life without challenges and obstacles to overcome! Therefore, you will come across many unsavory characters that will make life difficult for Kick and Gunther. You can even confront your antagonists face to face in a one-of-a-kind race with the Mellowbrook Mega Race game! Do you think you can beat them on the first try?
Brad Buttowski is the show's first antagonist. Can you believe that he happens to be Kick's older brother? This rowdy teenager has terrible hygiene, loves to bully younger children and thinks he is the coolest. However, Brad's efforts to flirt with girls are usually fruitless, as he isn't as popular as he thinks. However, there's an interesting side to his relationship with Kick! Can you believe that they become unlikely friends by the end of the show?
Ronaldo is another problematic character of the least for Kick Buttowski and his gang! Recognized as the foremost nerd of Mellowbrook, the blonde boy often relies on science to outsmart Kick. He has managed to use the laws of physics and engineering in his favor to beat Kick! However, he lacks the Daredevils' passion and drive, which will lead to his demise eventually.
Go on and join Kick Buttowski in a suburban adventure that will leave you breathless! The colorful characters and settings will prepare the mood for exciting stunts, and tricks like you have never seen before! This avid fan of action movies needs your help to achieve his dreams, so stop hesitating and join in on the fun!
There are currently 15 free online Kick Buttowski games on our website. You can play the games on your computer or laptop, using any browser. Some of the games are also available for your tablets or Android and iOS phones.