Donald Dunk

Play Donald Duck: Donald Dunk |
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About Donald Dunk Game

  • Game Type
  • Requirements
    Any Browser
  • Supported Devices
    Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
  • Game Resolution
    750 x 500
  • Last Updated
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Donald Dunk game is an excellent opportunity to practice your spelling skills while recognizing the connection between a shown picture and a said word.

The narrator will first tell you the word you need to find, and then he will also spell the same word. The first letter of the word will already be set, so you just need to find the rest of the letters.

How to play the game

There are words made from three letters each. With the first letter already shown, your job is only to find the remaining two letters. On the shelves on the right side of the screen, you'll see all the alphabet letters in round red balls. Pick the ones you consider to fit.

On the left side of the screen, you'll see Donald Duck sitting on a shelf, waiting for you to hit all three letters and form a correct word. If you succeed in finding the right word, Donald will fall into the water pool below him.

On the side of the pool, pictures are shown, also explaining what word you need to guess. Use your MOUSE to go around the screen, and click on the letters you believe are the correct ones for completing the given word.

This is a fun game in which not only you need to guess the words out of the given picture, but you're also able to dunk Donald Duck into the pool, which is quite hilarious!

Enjoy this fun and easy game of word guessing.

If you enjoy playing Donald Dunk, you might be excited to find out that there are 12 more Donald Duck games you can try! The most popular is Pillow Fight, and the most recently added is Silly Solve and Search