Join your favorite characters for an unexpected adventure with the Bugs be Gone game! The Duncans need you to fight huge bugs and protect their house!
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The Duncans are in for an exciting and unexpected challenge with the Bugs be Gone game! You might already know that the head of the family, Bob, is a professional exterminator. However, sometimes he takes his job too seriously. In fact, he is so invested that bugs are the main feature of his dreams! After a hard day's work, this exhausted dad lays down for a nap and has a terrifying nightmare. Can you guess what he's dreaming about?
All the bugs that Bob gets rid off on a day to day basis have a plan of revenge. They have organized a major attack on the Duncan household. What is more, they seem to have grown to enormous sizes! Can you see them marching towards the family home? It's time to step in and give Bob, Amy, Teddy, PJ, Gabe, and Charlie a much-needed helping hand!
The game consists of multiple different levels of increasing difficulty. The goal of each one is to keep the bug attack at bay using the available resources. Can you guess what I'm talking about? That's right, you'll have to use Charlie's baby toys! Devise a gameplan and place the defensive toys on the Duncan family lawn. Seems easy, right?
The gameplay is intuitive, so I am sure you will master it in no time! At the top left corner of the screen, you can see what items you have available for the respective level. There are two categories of objects: defensive toys and power generators. You will need to collect power from generators to place new items on the lawn, but only toys will get rid of bugs! Therefore, you should plan your moves carefully!
Click on an item, and then click again to place it on the lawn. The toys will fire towards the bugs automatically, while generators require some extra attention on your part! They will release energy in the form of bubbles, which you need to click on in order to collect. Be careful and very swift, as they will disappear after a while and make you waste precious time and resources!
This game can turn out to be quite challenging, considering the wide range of enemies and the different tactics you need to use. With each new level, you will receive new defensive toys to help defend the house, but the enemies you will encounter will get bigger and better as well! Therefore, you should keep your plans flexible and get ready to face new challenges! If you think you need to rethink your game plan, use the shovel to remove unwanted toys from the lawn.
Another helpful tip concerns batteries. They are powerful assets that you can use to earn valuable power-ups. They can activate features that grant you extra time, and even triple the power of the toys' attacks! How can you win this vital resource? Just keep an eye on your enemy bugs, as they will sometimes drop them during the imminent attacks!
Are you ready to face an entirely unexpected challenge and lend the stars of Good Luck Charlie a much-needed helping hand? I agree that giant bug attacks are not a problem that ordinary families usually face, but you already know that Duncans are anything but ordinary! Now you have the chance to become a part of their hectic, yet exciting day to day life!